
NEB Letter Grading System for Secondary Level

National Examination Board (NEB) introduced a new neb letter grading system for secondary level (Class 10, Class 11 & Class 12) students since the academic year of 2017. SEE and NEB examinations were come without the pass or fail tag for students. But since the New grading system, 2021 has been announced to lunch for schools grades ranging from one to twelve has introduced the minimum benchmark of learning achievement of 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical/internal assessment. So, below are the neb letter grading system for secondary level or neb letter grading system for class 10, class 11 and class 12.

S.NAchievement PercentageGPALetter GradeDescription of Achievements
1≥ 90%4.0A+Outstanding
2≥ 80% but <90%3.6AExcellent
3≥ 70% but <80%3.2B+Very Good
4≥ 60% but <70%2.8BGood
5≥ 50% but <60%2.4C+Satisfactory
6≥ 40% but <50%2.0CAcceptable
7≥ 35% but <40%1.6DBasic
8≥ 35%NGNot Graded

Letter Grade and Description of Achievements:

A+ सर्वोत्तम (Outstanding)

Has deep and broad knowledge with highly-developed critical insight as well as comprehensive and perceptive appreciation of the theoretical or practical subject matter; an exceptional ability to organize, use, analyze and succinctly present subject matter fluently and clearly with extraordinary performance; a significant capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with superior communication skills.

А अत्युत्तम (Excellent)

Has deep and broad knowledge with developed critical insight as well as comprehensive and perceptive appreciation of the theoretical or practical subject matter; an exceptional ability to organize, use, analyze and succinctly present subject matter fluently and clearly with exemplary performance; a significant capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with advanced communication skills.

B+ उत्कृष्ट (Very Good)

Has broad knowledge with developed insight as well as comprehensive and independent appreciation of the theoretical or practical subject matter; a special ability to organize, use, analyze and succinctly present subject matter clea of performance; a highly-developed capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with sound communication skills.

B  उत्तम (Good)

Has decent knowledge with developed insight as well as comprehensive and good appreciation of the theoretical or practical subject matter, an ability to organize, use, analyze and succinctly present subject matter with respectable performance; a developed capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with reasonable communication skills.

C+ सन्तोषजनक (Satisfactory)

Has adequate knowledge with developing insight as well as comprehensive and.. reasonably good appreciation of the theoretical or practical subject matter; an ability to organize, use, analyze and succinctly present subject matter with blameless performance; some capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with sufficient communication skills.

C ग्राह्य (Acceptable)

Has sufficient knowledge with developing insight as well as comprehensive and acceptable understanding of the theoretical or practical subject matter, an ability to organize, use, analyze and present subject matter with guiltless performance; limited capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with acceptable communication skills.

D आधारभूत (Basic)

Has some knowledge with developing insight as well as comprehensive and partial understanding of the theoretical or practical subject matter; limited ability to organize, use, analyze and present subject matter with guiltless performance ; limited capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with minimal participation in communication skills.

NG अवर्गीकृत (Not Graded)

Has less knowledge with incomplete insight as well as comprehensive and negligible understanding of the theoretical or practical subject matter; seriously deficient ability to organize, use, analyze and present subject matter, very limited capacity for original, creative and logical thinking with inadequate communication skills.

Now onwards, the students will be awarded on a 4.0 point scale grading system that is from Grade A to Grade D. Along with the cancellation of the old later grading system which was introduced in 2017 NEB has removed E grade from the letter grading system. The NEB grading system is decided based on the 2 parameters that are theory & practical marks.

Letter Grading System for Grade 11 and 12.

The new four-point scale grading system will require students to get qualifying grades in 8 out of 7 subjects in class 10 and 4 out of 5 subjects in class 12 to get promoted to the next higher class. The NEB board has decided to implement the same grading system from grade one to twelve however it will be implemented with the exclusion of the new curriculum at the school level.

The neb letter grading system for secondary level has been introduced to reduce the unnecessary pressure from students by means of continuous evaluation by taking a number of small tests throughout the year, instead of a single test at the end of the academic session. However, the students have to obtain 35 % in all subjects to receive the main certificate. If the students couldn’t cross the 35% of written examination s/he will not be able to receive the certificate. without the main certificate, the students will not be promoted to the higher class.

The new NEB letter grading system for secondary level will have a four-point scale, in which students will be awarded grades from A to D. This grading system was implemented to eliminate the schools from showing the numerical scores on the report card of each student.

The four-point grading system employed to measure the scholastic achievements of students are given in the below table.

Download NEB Letter Grading System for grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 of the year 2024 provided by government of nepal, download in pdf format. File Size – 3.27 mb.

Also, these parameters will differ from one subject to the other subject. So under the new NEB grading system, no cumulative grade is awarded only subject-wise grades are awarded to the student. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding NEB Grading System for Class 10 SEE & Class 11 and 12. Read on to know everything about NEB Grading System.

Convert GPA to percentage in Nepal

CGPA or Cumulative Grade Point Average is nothing but the statement of subject-wise performance in the certificate of a continuous and comprehensive evaluation that is a SEE and class 12 certificate. GPA is an average grade point of a student.

CGPA = Sum of grade points obtained in 5 main subjects/5.

So in order to calculate the percentage, follow the formula as below:

Formula: CGPA X 25%= Percentage Obtained in Class 10 (SEE).

Formula: GPA X 25% = Percentage Obtained in Class 12.

For example: If a candidate has obtained 3.0 CGPA then his/her percentage is calculated as 3.0 X 25= 75%.

NEB and SEE Grading System – Points to Remember:

The important notes regarding NEB and SEE Grading System are tabulated below:

  1. You can see numerical scores in the assessment of theory/practical papers in external subjects. The NEB Board will also indicate grades in the marks sheets in addition to numerical scores in subjects of external examinations. Grades will be shown only in internal assessment subjects.
  2. Five types of grading are available to show the result, i.e. A, B, C & D.
  3. You have to score a minimum of D marks to qualify for the exam.

In Senior School Certificate Examination, in a subject involving practical work, you have to obtain a minimum C GPA in theory and minimum C in the practical separately.

Advantages and Disadvantages of NEB CGPA System:

Let us now look in detail at the advantages and disadvantages of CGPA in education where it is used as an inevitable tool for assessing a student’s performance in school and college life.

Advantages of GPA:

  1. With the help of the GPA system, students can analyze and calculate their strengths and weaknesses and they can work on them.
  2. The best part of NEB GPA is it decreases the pressure of getting high marks as the actual marks are not mentioned in the report cards.

Disadvantages of GPA:

  1. NEB GPA doesn’t show the accurate performance of the students.
  2. Due to the new NEB grading system, children tend to perform less because they know they will achieve the targeted grade even by committing a few mistakes.

FAQs – NEB New Letter Grading System:

What is the formula to calculate GPA and Final Grade?

The formula to calculate GPA and Final Grade is shown below:

How to calculate percentage from GPA?

In order to convert overall CGPA into the percentage, multiply CGPA by 25.

For example, When CGPA is 3.5, it should be multiplied by 25, Thus, 3.5 x 25= 79.80%

What is the passing criteria for SEE?

As per pass criteria for class 10 SEE, students have to obtain overall D grades (35% in theory & 40% in practical) in each subject, both theory and practical/internal assessment taken together, in order to pass the examination.

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