NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080

NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080

Here, we’re going to provide you NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080 with subject code – 2021 ‘A’ which examination was held on the year 2080/2023 and you can download the neb grade xii (12) Biology subject grade increment (supplementary) exam question paper of the year 2080-2023 in PDF format. Please check and download pdf file grade 12 Biology Exam question paper of the year 2023-2080 Nepal. The Exam Question provided below – NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080 for the board exam 2079 and onwards. And it is based on the latest NEB Syllabus for 2079 and so on. We will be adding more Exam Question Papers of grade xii- class 12 later on. Scroll down to Download NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080 Sub. Code: 2021’A’ in pdf format which is 2.15 mb in size. Enjoy!

NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080.


Grade XII-Class 12
Grade Increment (Supplementary)
Examination – 2080 (2023)
(New Course)
Subject Code: 2021 ‘A’
Time – 3 hrs
Full Marks – 75

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Please complete first section – I (Botany) and then section – II (Zoology). Answer of each section should be separate in the same answer sheet.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080/2023.

Attempt all the questions.

Group – ‘A’

Section : I (Botany)

Rewrite the correct options of each questions in your answer sheet. 5×1=5

1. In mutational event, adenine is replaced by guanine in a frame of DNA. What is called it as ?

A) Transition B) Transversion C) Frame shift mutation D) Transcription

2. Which of the following is similar to autogamy, but requires pollinators ?

A) Geitnogamy B) Cleistogamy C) Apogamy D) Xenogamy

3. In the diagram of lenticel, what is the correct sequence indicated as A,B,C,D?

A) A-phellem, B-complementary cells, C-phellogen, D-phelloderm
B) A-phellem, B-complementary cells, C-phelloderm, D-periderm
C) A-complementary cells , B-phellogen, C-phelloderm, D-periderm
D) A-complementary cells , B-phellem, C-periderm, D-phelloderm

4. Which one of the following is the molecular scissors ?

A) Restriction endonucleases
B) DNA polymerases
C) DNA ligases
D) RNA polymerases

5. What is the reason behind a plant bending towards the light as it grows ?

A) Since the green plants are phototrophic
B) Because auxin accumulated on the shades site stimulates higher cell elongation
C) Since plants need light for photosynthesis
D) Light stimulates the cells on that site to grow faster

Group – ‘B’

Give short answers to the following questions. 4×4=16

6. “Recombinant DNA technology is used to introduce the desired characters of an organisms to another organisms.” Justify the statement by describing with related steps.  4

7. What is genetic code ? Write the characteristics of genetic code.  1+3


What are the root initiating hormones ? Write the physiological effects of Cytokinins. 1+3

8. Write the salient features of a dicot embryo in reference to its development pattern with suitable diagrams. 3+1

9. Study the given diagram of T.S. of monocot root and answer the following questions.  2+1+1

a) Write the characteristics of given layer A
b) Identity B and C
c) Differentiate B and C on the basis of function.

Group – ‘C’

Give long answers to the following questions.  2×8=16

10. A character of grand father is transmitted to grandson, but not in son.” State and explain the pattern of inheritance verifying the statement with example showing receprocal crosses up to second filial generation with ratio. What is called this type of inheritance ? 7+1


Why is white eyed trait more prominent in males than females ? State sex- linked inheritance and discuss it with reference to eye colour in Drosophila melanogaster and draw conclusions.  3+5

11. What is photosynthesis ? Describe the mechanism of dark reaction of CQ lant. 1+7

Section : II (Zoology)

Rewrite the correct options of each question in your answer sheet.  6×1

12. If a person is under continued fasting, what would be the sequence of organic foods used up by body ?

A) first carbohydrate, then protein and lastly fat.
B) first fat, then protein and lastly carbohydrate.
C) first protein, then carbohydrate and lastly fat.
D) first carbohydrate, then fat and lastly protein.

13. In tissue, free 02 is made available because oxyhemoglobin is dissociated. What is the reason ?

A) High 0 concentration and low Co concentration
B) High O2 concentration and high Co2 concentration
C) Low 02 concentration and high Co2 concentration
D) Low O2 concentration and low Co2 concentration

14. All ventricles of brain are communicated with each other. Which one of following connects third ventricle to lateral ventricles ?

A) cerebral aqueduct
B) white matter and gray matter
C) foramen magnum
D) foramen of monro

15. Ligaments are connective tissue. What are the ligaments made up of ?

A) predominantly white college fibers
B) predominantly yellow fibers
C) both white and yellow fibers
D) only white fibers

16. Which one of the following is correct for IVF technology ?

A) Both fertilization and fetal development are internal
B) Both fertilization and fetal development are external
C) Fertilization is external and fetal development is internal
D) Fertilization is internal and fetal development is external

17. Which of the following sequence is correct for the development of fertilized egg ?

A) zygote, blastula, neurula, gastrula
B) zygote, blastula, morula, gastrula
C) zygote, morula, gastrula, blastula
D) zygote, blastula, gastrula, neurula

Group – ‘B’

Give short answers to the following questions.  4×4=16

18. Write similarities and differences between simple and compound epithelium. 2+2

19. Discuss the process of coelom formation in frog with diagram.  3+1


Describe the various types of organ transplantation. 4

20. Study the diagram of human heart below and answer following questions.

a) Label A, B, C, and D.
b) Write any two differences between A and B.

21. “Smoking is injurious to health.” Highlight the long term effects of tobacco on human health. Discuss the ways to overcome it.  2+2

Group – ‘C’

Give long answers to the following questions. 2×8=16

22. Discuss the causative agent, mode of transmission, symptoms and control measures of Typhoid in Nepalese context.  1+2+2+3

23. Urine formation is an important physiological phenomenon which occurs in nephron. Describe the structure of nephron with a labeled diagram of nephron. What would happen if less Antidiuretic hormone is produced ? 4+2+2


Human brain is associated with controlling all metabolic activities of body. Describe the structure and function of human brain with suitable diagram. What kind of problem would a person face if cerebellum and medulla oblongata are injured ? 4+2+1+1

NEB Class 12 Biology Grade Increment (Supplementary) Exam Paper 2080

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